The SPST Shop of the Day is a daily thread in which team members promote the Shops of the Day by faving, tweeting, pinning, or by using other social medias. Members may be added to the Master List by participating in the thread at least 4 times during the week and posting their Shop name and link along with a brief description of your Shop. This is a great way to have your shop promoted and keep the cross-promoting going with our teammies. At the end of the week, I will create a Treasury with a few of the promoted items for the week to give you extra exposure to your shops! Enjoy.
Meet Strategic Promotions for Success Teamies Seller of the Day and those who promoted them! Stop by this weeks game SOTD March 3 - 8 and play for your chance to be featured next week :<)
A few lovely items from the SPSTeam SOTD features.
Hi, my name is Angela. I have a passion for fabric and clothing design.
Its like making your own puzzles with vibrant colors, patterns and textiles :<)
Lovely finds! Thank you for including us!