Tuesday, August 28, 2018

August Shop Of The Day Part 2

We  have so many talented artists on the SPS Team.  We like to promote those who are regular participants  on the team as The Shop Of The Day (SOTD).  Let me introduce you to the Shops Of The Day for the  2nd half of August.

Thanks for joining me this month.  If you haven't already you can check out Part 1 of  August's Shop Of The Day to see more excellent shops.


Amy DeLong
Hi I'm Amy. In my shop I offer a variety of crocheted items and occasionally I list vintage crochet & knitting pattern books. I enjoy working on custom orders. My customers often come up with the best creative ideas; and sometimes offer me the challenge of creating something I've never done before. It’s always satisfying to take a piece of yarn and create something new from it.